An Action Research in Trends of EFL Novices’ New Writing Through Reading Habits and Intervention Techniques
Prateet Baskota
The purpose of this study was to analyze the findings from experiments (spanning 12 weeks) about eighth-graders’ experiences in English classes from two different Kathmandu valley boarding schools. The survey of this study was to determine primarily through information gathered from students’ class surveys, workshops, observations, written samples, photographs, and tests (pre-test and post-test). This paper aims to explore to what extent reading enhances writing in English in the teenage group, especially among eighth graders. We wanted to develop our learners’ writing skills as most of the students considered it the most challenging skill. That is why most educational institutes have started to give more priority to improving students’ writing. We used classroom action research and employed Krashen’s (2003) Comprehension Hypothesis and Felder and Brent’s (2003) active learning principle theories for our research study. I also found that when students get exposed to different reading materials, they are likely to produce good writings. My research question was based on: How does reading enhance the writing skill of the students?