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Language and Access: World Englishes, Universal Design for Learning, and Writing Pedagogy

Language and Access: World Englishes, Universal Design for Learning, and Writing Pedagogy

Allegra W. Smith

This article places two pedagogical frameworks into conversation: World Englishes (WE) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). World Englishes examines the use of different varieties of English in their socio-cultural contexts, advocating for understanding varieties based on their own local standards, rather than a constructed hegemonic norm. Universal Design for Learning aims to provide flexible learning environments to enable all students to demonstrate competency in different ways, creating accessible classrooms through multiple modes of representation and means of engagement. In the composition classroom, these two frameworks can be combined to foreground aspects of student identity (language and ability, respectively) and increase pedagogical inclusivity The author illustrates the power of a combined UDL/WE framework through applications across writing pedagogy, including first-year composition and doctoral comprehensive exams.
