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Second Language Acquisition in the Digital World: Use of Language Learning Apps as an Individual Difference

Second Language Acquisition in the Digital World: Use of Language Learning Apps as an Individual Difference

Dmitrii Pastushenkov

In this study, I investigated the role of language learning applications (apps) in long-term second language (L2) grammar learning and explored the interplay between app use, motivation, and L2 exposure. Twenty-seven students recruited from a Russian summer immersion program in the United States participated in the study. The analyses revealed a small effect of app use on learning gains during the program (R2 = .12, p = .31) for all curricular levels (1-7). A large effect was found for levels 1-4 (R2 = .43, p = .23), suggesting that apps may be particularly valuable for beginner and intermediate students. A statistically significant positive correlation between app use before and during the summer program was found (r = .58, p < 0.01), suggesting that the participants used language learning apps consistently during their Russian studies. Moreover, the amount of app use before the summer program positively correlated with the participants’ prior exposure to Russian literature, movies, music, and social media (r = .58, p < 0.01). To conclude, theoretical and pedagogical implications are discussed.
