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New pedagogies are emerging in the era of globalization, especially in the advent of collaborative digital technologies, such as cloud computing, social media, and Web 2.0. A synergetic shift is occurring with the convergence of globalization and digital technologies, often resulting in global networked communities. This shift has several extant potentials, but its pedagogical practices and possibilities remain unexplored. It will be contextual for sharing and collaborating these practices and possibilities within the global networked communities. Based on these theoretical backgrounds, JOGLTEP captures newer trends of global pedagogies by highlighting global literacies, technologies, and pedagogical narratives from various cultural, economic, and geopolitical terrains.

JOGLTEP focuses on  glocal (global + local) literacies, cross-cultural networked spaces and communities, digital global learning communities, trans-border and trans-national networked pedagogies, geopolitical dynamics of education, digital learning ecologies, and pedagogies in knowledge and information-based societies.

JOGLTEP emphasizes the body of theoretical and critical scholarship in the areas of intersectionality of culture, technology, and education.


  • To share, understand, and develop practices of global literacies
  • To share, understand, and develop practices of global pedagogies
  • To reimagine and re-examine liminalities within commonalities and differences of glocal pedagogical practices and literacies
  • To share how literacies and pedagogical theories are practiced in the context of diverse global, cultural, and geopolitical conditions
  • To explore and share the impacts of emerging technologies, such as social media, Web 2.0, and cloud computing in communication, teaching and learning, and global literacies
  • To investigate impacts of emerging technologies in intercultural/cross-cultural and trans-border pedagogies
  • To explore and examine epistemic shifts in the context of emerging digital technologies, and globalization
  • To develop theories, perspectives, and heuristics on global pedagogies and literacies


The scope of this journal includes the following three areas.

Teaching and Learning

  • Glocal literacies (global and situated literacies and narratives)
  • Local praxis of teaching, learning, curriculum design, and literacy
  • Trans-border pedagogies (how they mutually inform, contribute, and advance in the global and local contexts)
  • Cross-cultural learning ecologies (how they inform and contribute to advance pedagogies and literacies)
  • Global networked learning communities
  • Digital pedagogical initiatives
  • Teaching and learning with technology
  • Social media and Web 2.0 for global pedagogies and literacies
  • Cloud pedagogies
  • Mobile apps for global pedagogies, literacies, and classroom practices
  • New literacies (what is being re/created and reinvented in the field of literacies in glocal contexts?)

Intersectionality of Culture, Technology, and Global Pedagogies/Literacies

  • Politics and problematics of technology (power, privileges, and peripheries) in the context of global pedagogies and literacies
  • Digital spaces and diversity in global networked communities: Images of power and privileges (based on diversity of race, class, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, geo-political locations, etc.)
  • Digital liminalities and transformative pedagogies
  • Digital cultural identities and global pedagogies/literacies
  • Digital professional communication and business pedagogies
  • Fluidity of realities in networked communities
  • Indigenous culture, knowledge, history, education, and technologies (e.g. indigenous literacies, oral-performance-based rhetorics, and Indigenous pedagogies)
  • Digital narratives, digital storytelling,  and multimodal composition
  • Global networked learning communities
  • Re-working/reconstructing global networked knowledge communities
  • Digital discourse communities and networked rhetorics
  • Digital access, power, and participation

Critique of Global Pedagogies/Literacies

  • Corporate interests and marketization of global pedagogies/literacies
  • Coloniality of networked knowledge communities/spaces
  • Hegemony/coloniality of global literacies
  • Monopoly, surveillance, and infiltration into networked knowledge spaces and communities

Open Access Statement

At JOGLTEP, we are committed to ensuring access to scholarly literature. We acknowledge that access to information is vital for education around the world. Open access to information increases the amount and quality of research on a global scale, thus making the availability of knowledge and learning materials a universal issue that builds knowledge for scholars, instructors, and researchers everywhere.

JOGLTEP is an open access journal; all of our articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

Physical Address

Dr. Marohang Limbu
Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
245 Bessey Hall, 434 Farm Lane
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824

Licensing Terms

JOGLTEP follows the terms of the Attribution 4.0 International creative commons license.

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
