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Journal of Global Literacies, Technology, and Emerging Pedagogies (JOGLTEP) is currently seeking papers for publication. JOGLTEP publishes cutting edge theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and empirical/research-based papers in the areas of global literacies, new media technologies, and pedagogies. JOGLTEP focuses on  glocal (global + local) literacies, cross-cultural networked communities, digital global learning communities, trans-border and trans-national networked pedagogies, geopolitical dynamics of education, digital learning ecologies, and knowledge- and information-based societies.

Possible topics for papers may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Teaching and Learning
    1. Glocal literacies (global and situated literacies and narratives)
      1. Local praxis of pedagogies of teaching, learning, curriculum design, and literacy
      2. Trans-border pedagogies such as how they mutually inform, contribute, and advance in the global and local contexts
    2. Cross-cultural learning ecologies such as how they inform and contribute to advance pedagogies and literacies
    3. Global digital learning communities
    4. Global digital pedagogical initiatives
    5. Teaching and learning with technologies
      1. Social media and Web 2.0 in teaching and learning
      2. Cloud- and crowd-based leading edge pedagogies
      3. Mobile apps for global pedagogies, literacies, and classroom practices
      4. New literacies (what is being re/created and re/invented in the field of literacies in glocal contexts?)
  1. Intersectionality of Culture, Technology, and Global Pedagogies/Literacies
    1. Politics and problematics of technologies (power, privileges, and peripheries) in the context of global pedagogies and literacies
    2. Digital spaces and diversity in the digital communities: Images of power and privileges based on diverse race, color, class, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and ability, etc.
    3. Digital liminalities and transformative pedagogies
    4. Digital cultural identities and global pedagogies/literacies
    5. Digital professional/business communication and pedagogies
    6. Fluidity of realities in networked communities
    7. Indigenous knowledge/epistemologies, cultures, educations, and technologies (e.g. indigenous literacies, rhetorics, narratives, and pedagogies)
    8. Digital narratives, digital storytelling,  and multimedia composition 
    9. Global networked learning communities
      1. Re-working/reconstructing global networked knowledge communities
      2. Digital discourse communities and networked rhetorics
      3. Digital access, power, and participation

3. Critique of Global and Technology-based Pedagogies and/or Critique of Glocal Pedagogies/Literacies

  • Corporate interests and marketization of global pedagogies/literacies
  • Coloniality of networked knowledge communities/spaces
  • Hegemony/coloniality of global literacies
  • Monopoly, surveillance, and infiltration into networked knowledge spaces and communities

Submission Guidelines

Papers must be submitted through JOGLTEP’s official email address.



  • Paper should address the field of global literacies, technologies (Web 2.0, social media, new media, mobile apps and pedagogies, cloud computing, etc.), and emerging pedagogies.
  • JOGLTEP welcomes a variety of theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and empirical/research-based works.
  • Author(s) should either follow American English (AE) or British English (BE), and be consistent.
  • Writing should be clear, concise, and consistent.
  • The submission must be original; it neither has been previously published, nor has been considered for publication nor  under review  in other  journals or publishing venues.


  • Article length should not exceed 6000 words including the abstract.
  • Article title should not exceed 25 words.
  • Article title page with author details (email ID, short bio, and institution) must be in a separate page; author’s name/s must be removed from the manuscript; if an author is cited, “author” and year should be used.
  • Article should include an abstract upto 175 words.
  • Article should include keywords not exceeding 5 words.
  • Article classification should be indicated (e.g. research/empirical, methodological, theoretical, position paper, and interviews, etc.).
  • Appropriate headings and subheadings are required.
  • Article must follow the most current APA (6th edition) style guide.
  • Figures, tables, images, and multimedia files
    • Figures and tables should be placed within the texts with captions.
    • Images should be sent in seprate files using JPEG, Ping, or TIFF formats.
    • Multimedia files should be sent in separate files using flash or mp3 formats; multimedia materials (e.g. videos) should be between 3-5 minutes in length.
    • References should be in the current APA (6th edition) style format. 

Review process

First a desk/home review will be conducted by editors. Next, each submission will be sent for a blind review, at least to be reviewed by three different reviewers. Reviewers’ recommendations will indicate whether paper is rejected, accepted, or to be revised for publication.

Post-acceptance/publication (final submission)

For the accepted works, author(s) should complete final proofs and edits.
