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Volume 6

Issue 2: October 2020

Zhai Nan, Mai Meng, and Filial Piety: The Translingual Creativity of Chinese University Students in an Academic Writing Course Chaoran Wang, Beth Lewis Samuelson, and Katherine Silvester

Language and Access: World Englishes, Universal Design for Learning, and Writing Pedagogy Allegra W. Smith

Judicious Exploitation of Literature in Language Teaching Lok Raj Regmi

Exploring Language, Literacy, and Cross-Cultural Representation: A Semiotic Analysis in Mistry’s Family Matters Harry Bhandari

Issue 1: August 2020 | Special Issue on Digital Culture and Humanities

Introduction Anna Wing-bo Tso, Winnie Siu-yee Ho, and Stephie Kang

Enhancing Digital Literacy through the Understanding of Multimodal Creativity in Social Media: A Case Study of Elon Musk’s Social-Influencer Discourse in his Twitter Posts Locky Law

Pedagogical Experiment with Digital Humanities in Cultural Management: Using Information Literacy to Teach Public and Community Art in Hong Kong Jane Zheng and Leo F. H. Ma

Of Makeup Hauls and Holy Grails: Examining the Conceptions of Beauty in an Online Discussion Thread Jaimee Marie B. Serrano

Exploring Implicit and Explicit Technology Instruction in an L2 Writing Context Bethany Martens

Effects of Captioned Videos on Learners’ Comprehension Sijia Guo, Helena Sit, and Shen Chen

An Investigation of the Effectiveness of English Langage Apps for EFL Vocabulary Building Anna Wing-bo Tso

Second Language Acquisition in the Digital World: Use of Language Learning Apps as an Individual Difference Dmitrii Pastushenkov
